Friday, May 24, 2013
Resentment & opinion
At my prayer group this morning we prayed the Litany of Humility. One of the phrases prays: from resenting that my opinion is not followed, Lord Jesus free me. Opinions are so important to us. Everything that we do, of course, expresses who we are but an opinion seems to express more of who we are. It is born inside us. An opinion falsely feels like it is made up of who & what we are. It is in that sense more personal to us. Yet in fact it is only a thought, subject to error. When someone does not follow our opinion we feel rejected. We resent that person because we assume that he rejects us & and not only our opinion. Our opinion means more than it REALLY is- a thought. It is not who we are. The litany reminds us who we are - beloved of Jesus who's opinion of us is what matters, not our opinion. Jesus opinion of us is to love others as He loves us. As we go about this day let us ask Jesus to help us so that what we say and do will show others that our opinion is that all is in the hands of our loving God. O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee.
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